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4) Enter the number of grams of high quality protein in each combination


Observed food group pairings in this list of top 100 foods:

Fruits and Fruit JuicesVegetables and Vegetable Products25%
Fruits and Fruit Juices2%
Spices and Herbs1%
Legumes and Legume Products1%
Nut and Seed Products1%

Food pair search results for Apricots, dried, sulfured, stewed, without added sugar

Showing the top 100 food results that minimize total calories to yield a total of 25.0 grams of high quality protein.
Top 100 food combinations to provide an equivalent of
25.0 grams of high quality protein
weight % of pairing that is
Apricots, dried, sulfured, stewed, without added sugar
Amino acid
Apricots, dried, sulfured, stewed, without added sugar100.05208.361.74427.11

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